[英国版]Digital Camera World 数码相机世界 2021年4月刊

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《Digital Camera World》『数码相机世界』是欧洲英语体系下最具影响的数位摄影刊物。不同於美国的『大眾摄影』,『数位相机世界』几乎没有理论性的硬派文章,而以大量的篇幅介绍各式各样的拍摄技巧与电脑后制处理为主,可以说是一本相当纯粹的技法刊物。儘管还是不能免俗的以简单章节介绍市售热卖 DSC 与 DSLR,但文章的制作上仍以实用性为主,相当地贴近消费者。『数码相机世界』比较适合已经熟悉数位摄影一段时间的朋友。英式哲学在这方面表现的相当细腻,无论是图解说明、照片品质乃至於文法笔触都相当圆润通畅;虽然少了美式辛辣的刺激风格,却反倒更适合寻求中阶摄影技术突破的读者。另外,美式作品中常见以大场面出景取胜,例如:以大峡谷的壮丽到鸟瞰纽约帝国大厦等,视野强迫之照片,在『数位相机世界』中就较为少见。也因为如此,站长阅读这本杂誌的感觉反而比较贴近亚洲读者。毕竟,若非身历其境,一般也很难遇到那样的景致。整体来说,英国风的『数位相机世界』取材偏重人文生态,内容集合欧洲田野景致与閒淡风情,配以丰富的人文与史地,让你百读不厌。Digital Camera World is the complete resource for digital camera owners. Every month, we cover the best kit, providing head to head comparisons and the best buyers guide in the market. You’ll also get in depth tutorials and of course our unrivalled beginners help. Digital Camera is the ultimate magazine for today’s photographer. Month in, month out, it brings you essential guides to photography technique and digital darkroom expertise. If you want to learn how to take control of your digital SLR, take better pictures and then perfect them in Photoshop, look no further.The magazine comes with a free CD-ROM, packed with simple, step-by-step video lessons for Photoshop and Elements. Let our imaging experts teach you the skills you need for fantastic results.

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