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在《Olive》杂志,我们相信您可以在不花大钱的情况下,尽情享受富有想象力的饮食。 每个月我们的目标都是激发美食爱好者做新菜,但这不仅仅涉及在家做饭。 该杂志分为三个主要部分,分别是进餐,进餐,进餐,因此您还会发现世界各地的超值餐厅,热门推荐和小贴士。At olive we believe you can eat imaginatively and well without spending a fortune. Every month we aim to inspire food lovers to cook new dishes, but it’s not all about cooking at home. The magazine has three main sections, eat in, eat out, eat away so you’ll also find great value restaurants, top recommendations and tips from around the world.