[印度尼西亚版]Da Man 男士时尚杂志 2021年2-3月刊

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本数:1本 (高清PDF数字电子版,非实体)

《 DA MAN》是一本于2007年5月发行的男性时尚和生活方式杂志。这份成熟,精致的杂志载有鼓舞人心的文章,并附有精美的摄影作品,涵盖了东南亚不断壮大的年轻,受过良好教育, 出差,注重时尚和引领潮流的人。 DA MAN提供热门话题和最新信息,是美好生活的指南。 《 DA MAN》每年出版六次,印刷量达45,000册(并且正在不断增加),并在新加坡,印度尼西亚和其他选定的地区(包括纽约和洛杉矶)发行。DA MAN is a men’s fashion and lifestyle magazine launched in May 2007. This established, sophisticated magazine is packed with inspiring articles and enriched with beautiful photography, covering the very best in fashion and lifestyle for SE Asia’s growing market of young, educated, well-traveled, fashion-conscious and trendsetting guys. Offering topical and up-to-date information, DA MAN is the guide to good living. DA MAN is published six times a year with a print run of 45,000 copies (and growing) and is distributed in Singapore, Indonesia and other selected locales, including New York and Los Angeles.

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