Taiwan Tatler是精緻生活的最重要指南,涵蓋高端生活的所有面向,從時髦派對到精緻餐廳、從國際時尚到頂級旅遊。Taiwan Tatler比其他媒體都更能接觸到最光鮮的人物、他們常去的充滿異國情調的地方,以及所擁有的美好物品,並透過兼具洞察和娛樂性、視覺精美的獨家報導加以呈現。 The essential guide to the very best in life, Taiwan Tatler runs the gamut of high-end living, from smart parties to fine dining, from international fashion to luxury travel. Taiwan Tatler has unparalleled access to the world’s most glamorous people, the exotic places they frequent and the desirable objects they own. The magazine showcases all this via exclusive features that are insightful, entertaining and presented with style.《尚流TATLER》是追求高品质生活人士的重要读物,是中国精致奢华生活方式必不可少的指南。《尚流TATLER》杂志的高端品位及奢华理念,不断地努力通过专业的编辑和权威的专栏作家,呈现各种精彩内容,包含社交、时尚、美容、腕表珠宝、文化艺术、人物、旅游、美食等,致力于传播奢华生活方式及优雅品位。Tatler is mischievous, glamorous, intelligent and fun, providing an insider’s view of what is really happening in British society with a compelling mix of fashion, the arts, politics, people, parties and glamour.
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