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《Ideas 创意》杂志是为具有创造力和对生活充满热情的女性提供新鲜,现代生活的终极指南。 这些妇女照顾自己的家人和周围的人,并通过在所做的任何事情中表达自己的个性来珍惜她们。 他们喜欢用自己独特的风格来娱乐和装饰自己的房屋。 该杂志提供了创造力的出路,并向读者提供了实用,创造性的内容,将平凡的事物转变为非凡的事物。Ideas is the ultimate guide to fresh, modern living for women with creative flair and a passion for life. These women care for their families and the people around them and cherish them by expressing their own individuality in everything they do. They love to entertain and decorate their home with their unique style. The magazine provides an outlet for creativity and offers readers practical, creative content that transforms the mundane into the extraordinary…