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《数码摄影师》创刊于2002年,是终极的每月摄影杂志,提供必不可少的,实用且动手的拍摄建议。面向数字爱好者和专业摄影师,数字摄影师提供最新的高端工具包评论,专家访谈,实用的拍摄建议和图像编辑教程,以帮助您成为更好的摄影师。我们还每月展示来自DP阅读器的精选图像-这是您职业生涯的理想启动板。Launched in 2002, Digital Photographer is the ultimate monthly photography magazine, delivering indispensable, practical and hands-on shooting advice. Aimed at digital enthusiasts and professional photographers, Digital Photographer features the latest high-end kit reviews, expert interviews, practical shooting advice and image-editing tutorials to help you become a better photographer. We also showcase a selection of images from DP readers every month – the ideal launch pad for your career.